20 December 2016


Tuga IT logo

I am pleased to announce that the next TUGA IT will be carried out between 18 to 20 may 2017 and is calling the speakers.
What is the TUGA IT?
The TUGA IT is a non-profit association with the aim of promoting the knowledge of the various Microsoft technologies and has the collaboration of the various technical communities.
The first event was held in 2016 at Microsoft in Portugal in present international speakers can consult the list here

How to register and submit a session
First select ‘CALL FOR SPEAKERS’.

In that will show the registration and some of the fields are required. Fill the fields then press "Register" to submit the registration.
After registering you can log in and submit your session on ‘SUBMIT A SESSION’.

After login is required to enter the title of your session if the Abstract is not complete you can always save the draft and finish later. When you have finished you can submit a session.

Attention should submit yours sessions until 1 March 2017.

18 December 2016

SharePoint Saturday Lisbon

On 17 December 2016 was held for the first time in Portugal the SharePoint Saturday Lisbon #SPSLisbon dedicated Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint.

The event was organized by four MVP Portuguese André Vala, Nuno Silva, Rodrigo Pinto and Tiago Costa.

With help of the following volunteers David Oliveira, João Tito Lívio, Niko Neugebauer, Paulo Matos, Ricardo Cabral (I) and Tiago Vidigal is always nice to be able to help at events and communities we have no cash prize but we gains big contacts (Networking) and knowledge. Congratulations to all the volunteers and TUGA.

During the event there were competitions held by the sponsor KwizCOM in which participants participated in a game similar to the PlayStation game Buzz! and in the end won prizes of KwizCOM.

Were present big international and national speakers you can consult on official page at http://www.spsevents.org/city/Lisbon/Lisbon2016/speakers.

At the end for the toughest there were prizes.

I would like to thank all the sponsors of the event without them the event could not be held due to be free and have no source of extra income unless the previous day's workshop to pay all expenses involved in the event.

Thank you to all participants and do not miss the next Sharepoint Sartuday in Portugal.

All photos were taken by me.

21 November 2016

24 Hours of PASS: Portuguese Edition 2016

I was invited to be a moderator in the 24 Hours of PASS: Portuguese Edition 2016 that took place between 14 to 18 November. 
I loved the experience, although we are just moderating the session, we are supporting the speaker and participants who are watching so that their questions can be answered and that everything goes smoothly. I have been a volunteer in SQL Saturday in Lisbon and Porto and it is similar but online.

Be moderator is not just to connect the computer to the Internet watch the speaker and wait for the session to finish. It is necessary to test everything with the speaker, to ask if you want to answer the questions during or at the end of the session and more.

I want to thank Murilo Miranda, Vítor Pombeiro, António Lourenço, André Melancia, to all the speakers and team of the 24 Hours of Pass Portuguese edition 2016. To Microsoft Portugal for having lending its facilities. And of course to all participants.

Thank you very much for the experience.

6 November 2016

Hello everyone!

This is not the first time I have a personal blog.

To keep a personal blog is complicated when we have multiple projects. A project is not only that ' thing ' that we need to design, develop and deliver in the professional level. Everything is a project both personal and professional. For example, professional training you can learn alone and be a genuine self-taught or attend a course. Another example is the child in this great project that will origin subprojects, new projects and adaptations.

It's funny but it's true! In my blog I talk about information technology since training and certification to technical topics.

And all I have to say a big Hello World:).