3 January 2019

Does the Microsoft Azure AZ-100 exam replace 70-533? What about AZ-101?

I have received some questions about the Microsoft Azure AZ-100 and AZ-101 exams and have decided to create a publication of the various questions I have received about them.

Does the Microsoft Azure AZ-100 exam replace 70-533? What about AZ-101?
Exam 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions, certifies system administrators in Microsoft Azure, which guarantees a Microsoft Specialist certification. In conjunction with the AZ-532 or AZ-534 has the MCSA certification. With all three you have the MCSE certification.

But this was discontinued on December 31, 2018, due to the various changes and innovations of Azure services. The current exam was sometimes outdated. For those who were to take the exam he had to answer questions where services no longer existed and their prices were not what they were being practiced.

And now?
The certification has been changed to a new Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate certification, and it can be done in two ways:
  •  Do you have the 70-533?
    • Yes, then you will only need to take the AZ-102 transition exam until June 30, 2019.
    • No, then you will have to take two exams the AZ-100 and AZ-101.

Does the AZ-100 and AZ-101 allow the continuation and/or renewal for the MCSA and/or MCSE?
No, these are part of a new certification.

Do the new exmas have the same content as 70-533?
The content of the AZ-533 was divided into two exams and updated with the new services. In my modest opinion the division was not well made. Because we talk about network in the AZ-100 and the other part of networks is in the AZ-100.

The following images demonstrate the differences between the 70-533 with AZ-100 and AZ-101.

What is the AZ-102?
The AZ-102 is the 70-533 transitional exam. It is a delta between the AZ-533 and AZ-100 + AZ-102. For those who have the AZ-533 do not need to do both exams, you only need to do this that entitles you to a new certification. This exam is available until June 30, 2019.

I have the AZ-533, do I have to do the new certification?
I always recommend upgrading your certifications. Iso demonstrates companies that are well prepared.


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